Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy


  1. What is the purpose of the information?

In compliance with the provisions of the current legislation on the protection of personal data, i.e. EU Regulation 2016/679 (also called " GDPR ") and, as applicable, by the complementary national legislation, we wish to inform you regarding the processing of your personal data by the Data Controller's organization which will be based on the principles of correctness, lawfulness and transparency, as well as the protection of your privacy and the protection of your rights. This information is provided for the personal data provided by you, i.e. the interested party who reads the information.


  1. When do we collect your personal data?

This information is provided for the personal data that you provide using the website.


  1. Who is the Data Controller? How to contact him?

The Data Controller is Enerpower Srl with registered office in Monza (MB), at Via U. Boccioni, n. 7, postal code 20900, CF/VAT number 03172330965, hereinafter the "Owner". The Data Controller can be contacted at the postal address indicated above or at the following email address: .


  1. What categories of personal data do we process?

To offer you the services provided by the website we must process some of your personal data mainly relating to the following categories:


We invite you not to enter in the "Contacts" section under "your message" of the form data that belong to particular categories of data (e.g. data relating to the state of health, political orientation, etc.) nor personal data relating to criminal convictions and to crimes. In the event of receipt of data belonging to these categories, they will be deleted.


  1. For what purposes are the data processed? On what legal basis? And how long are they stored?

Below we indicate the purposes of the processing, the legal basis that legitimizes the processing and the retention period of your personal data:


Purpose Legal basis storage
1. Management of services , i.e. your request for information, services, and related contractual and/or pre-contractual relationships, via the forms on the site Execution of pre-contractual or contractual obligations The data will be kept for a maximum of the period of validity of the contractual relationship and the subsequent limitation period of rights.
2. Compliance with legal obligations , to satisfy any legal obligations that the Data Controller is required to comply with. Compliance with legal obligation The data will be kept for the retention period required by tax and/or accounting regulations.


  1. Is it mandatory to provide the data? What happens if he doesn't provide them?

The provision of your personal data for the purposes (1) Management of services. The provision for the purpose of (2) Compliance with legal obligations is mandatory to comply with the legislation. Failure to provide data for these purposes will make it impossible to conclude the contract or provide the services requested by you;


  1. Who can know your data? Who do we communicate them to?

The personal data relating to the processing in question, for the above purposes, may be communicated or made known:


  1. Are personal data transferred outside the European Union (EU)?

The data collected is not transferred to locations outside the European Union.


  1. What are your rights as an interested party?

The GDPR recognizes the following rights in relation to your personal data which you can exercise within the limits and in compliance with the provisions of the law:

You may exercise these rights by sending a written request addressed to the Data Controller at the postal address or by e-mail, as indicated above. Furthermore, you have the right to lodge a complaint with the Guarantor Authority for the protection of personal data ( ), if you believe that the processing of your data is contrary to the legislation in force (art. 77) or to take legal action (art 79).


  1. How is personal data protected?

Personal data will be processed both with electronic tools and without the aid of electronic tools, using technical and organizational security measures appropriate to the nature of the data to ensure their integrity and confidentiality and protect them against the risks of illicit intrusion, loss, alteration. , or disclosure to third parties not authorized to process them.


  1. Cookies

Specific information is provided for special treatments:


  1. Updates

The Owner reserves the right to modify and update this information at any time. The changes will apply as of their appearance. It is therefore necessary for you to regularly check the information in force.


Edition of 01.08.2023 Previous edition of 12.04.2023